Cancer Risk Reduction - Vitamin D and Omega-3
Combined Vitamin D and Omega-3 Supplementation, Along With a Simple Home Exercise Program, Showed a 60 Percent Reduction in Cancer Risk.

Note: These are minimal doses, yet they still made a significant difference in the health of adults 70 years of age and older.
P.P.S. Did you know that most fish oil supplements oxidize (decompose) by the time they reach the consumer and are a waste of money?

Note: These are minimal doses, yet they still made a significant difference in the health of adults 70 years of age and older.
For better absorption of Vitamin D and Omega-3, make sure you're getting enough Vitamin K and magnesium every day.
To see the full study, Click Here.
P.S. Foods high in Omega-3 are eggs and fatty fish. (sardines, salmon, mackerel, anchovy, herring)
For even better results, eliminate sugar, ultra-processed foods, and seed oils (restaurant oils) from your diet.
To learn more about an Omega-3 supplement that works, Click Here.